Wednesday 24 August 2011

Day 3 - 24th August 2011

Day 3 24th August 2011
Case study 1

Few things we should do when teaching young children.
How do we create a collaborative supportive and challenging learning environment?

Some things that I notice were that the children were not able to see the dice - seating arrangement must be changed. Teacher raised and answered her own questions. She needed to use the same materials but she used two different types of materials that was she used dice and apples.  
I learned in the first lesson that we should use the same materials when teaching  children so as not to confuse them.

Second Lesson
Things that went well?
Seating arrangement. The children could see the dice.
Children had materials that they could manipulate.
Children were engaged.Teacher used identical materials.

What did not work in this lesson?

Lesson delivery could have been better.

Teachers Attitude could be improve maybe
show more enthusiasm.

Communication with the children could have been more.

She could have ask the children ," How many possible answer is there if I have 5 cubes".

Case study 2
Research theme:  How can we help pupils to explore different options, articulate their 
thinking and apply what they have learnt in new situations?

In this lesson the focus was on constructing different structures/models with 5 cubes.

1) What I realized was that the sitting arrangement was suitable in a sense that the teacher could see all and could focus on those who needed attention.

2) The children were engaged and they participated well and all the children were involved in the task.

3)  There was only one type of material and this was a much opened ended material.  It could be used in many ways.

4)  Flow was good.  It started off with the teacher telling rules and she started with simple and then complex that is the teacher got the children to work with 3 manipulative and then, 4, and then 5.

5) There was communication between teacher to pupil and pupil to pupil.

6) The teacher was warm and friendly with clear set of instruction as to what the children are supposed to do.

7)  Questioning technique was good.  She rephrases the question.  But there was a part where she asked the same question again and again but the children didn’t understand. I felt here she could have prompted the children so that the children know what she is looking for.

8) Attitude of and disposition of teacher – She provided positive reinforcement.

Conservation of numbers – using 5 cubes,
Make as many patterns as you can.

Our group came up with 20 models of which one was a unique pattern.

Lesson study      
It is a professional development process/tool that teachers engage in systematically to 
examine their practices.This is how it works:-

In conclusion
Learning points from 2 case studies,

1)Designing a task

2)Giving clear instruction and demonstration

3)Effective use of materials and manipulative

4)Differentiation for different ability learners

5)Lesson study as a professional development too.

Homework for today is-Tan gram

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